Remote Chemical Security Training
The Remote Chemical Security Training for Chemists, Engineers and Safety Professionals organized by the Department of ChE and supported by CRDF Global and the US Department of State’s Chemical Security Program (CSP) was a three-day long training program held from 26-28 May 2021. Prominent experts on chemical security vulnerabilities and best practices from academia and industry discussed risk potential on improper chemical storage, chemical inventory management, security vulnerabilities, chemical security risk mitigation strategies, and transportation security.
Over 70 participants from industry, academia and governmental organizations came together to talk about chemical security threats, better understand ongoing Bangladeshi efforts to mitigate these risks, and develop strategies to further improve chemical security in Bangladeshi chemical and other associated industries. The inaugural session was attended by Ambassador Kryzysztof Paturej, President of the International Center for Chemical Safety and Security, and Prof. Abdul Jabbar Khan, the honorable Pro-Vice Chancellor of Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology.