Zarin Tasnim Juthi
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (2024)
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (2022)
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Biochemical Engineering
Selected Publications
- Zarin Tasnim Juthi, Mahe Jabeen, Md Reazul Islam, Payel Biswas, Shoeb Ahmed. Biopolymer-based coating materials for antiviral and antifungal applications: Recent advances in formulations and characterization, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 498, 2024, 155000, ISSN 1385-8947,
- Ahmed, M.F., Raby, K.H., Tasnim, N., Islam, M.T., Chowdhury, M., Juthi, Z.T., Mia, M.A., Jahan, L., Hossain, A.K.M.Z., Ahmed, S., 2025. Optimization of the extraction methods and evaluation of the hypoglycemic effect of Adhatoda Zeylanica extracts on artificially induced diabetic mice. Heliyon 11.