Dr. Shoeb Ahmed

Shoeb Ahmed


Email: shoebahmed@che.buet.ac.bd
Phone: (880) 2-966-5609
Web: www.shoebahmed.buet.ac.bd


Post Doc at North Carolina State University, USA.

Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
North Carolina State University, USA

M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering
North Carolina State University, USA

M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)

B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)


Bioenvironmental Engineering, Biological and Medical Image Analysis, Quantitative Biology and Biotechnology, Biochemical and Bioprocess Engineering, Air Pollution Modelling

Selected Publications

1. Tabassum N, Ahmed S and Ali MA (2021),’ Chitooligosaccharides and their structural-functional impact on hydrogels: A review’, Carbohydrate Polymers; 261 (117882).

2. Chakrovorty RS, Zinnah MA, Alam MR, Forhad HM, Moniruzzaman M, Saha B, Ahmed S and Roy R (2021), ‘Incorporating ash removal unit in local rice parboiling industries for flue gas cleaning and heat recovery’, Journal of Environmental Management; 286(112172).

3. Mohiuddin SG, Rahman MM and Ahmed S, (2021); ‘Identification of Inexpensive Natural Biopreservatives for Food Processing Applications’, Int. J. of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health; 6(2): 146-157.

4. Mohammad N, Bhuiyan MSI, Shikder MS and Ahmed S, (2020); ‘Comparative Assessment of Growth and Morphological Responses Reveals Resilience of HeLa cells over Vero Cells on Exposure to Arsenic (III)’; Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences; 10(2): 2291-2302.

5. Karmaker A, Hasan M, Sharifuzzaman M and Ahmed S (2020); ‘Development of Natural Fiber supported High-strength Autologous Fibrin Glue from Human Plasma’; Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology.

6. Tiruthani K, Mischler A, Ahmed S, Mahinthakumar J, Haugh JM, and Rao BM (2019); ‘Design and evaluation of engineered protein biosensors for live cell imaging of EGFR phosphorylation’; Science Signaling; vol 12, eaap7584.

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