Dr. Md. Easir Arafat Khan



Email: eakhan@che.buet.ac.bd
Phone: +88029665650-80
Web: https://eakhan.com


Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
Nanyang Technological University

B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)


Hazard and risk analysis, Air pollution, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Chemical process safety with a special concentration on industrial and fire safety management


Journal Publications:
  1. Easir A. Khan, Enamul Haque, Fahim Shahriar Sakib and Muhit Kabir Sarneabat, Chemical Management and Safety: Growing Concerns of Chemical Accidents in Bangladesh, J. Chem Eng, IEB, 2023 (Accepted)
  2. Easir A. Khan and Sultana R. Syeda, Chemical Substitution in processes for Inherently Safer Design: Pros and Cons, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2021-1201
  3. Sultana R. Syeda, E. A. Khan, N. Kuprasertwong, O. Padungwatanaroj, R. Gani, A Model-Data Driven Chemical Analysis System for Products and Associated Processes, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 49, 181-186, 2022
  4. Sultana R. Syeda, Easir A. Khan, Orakotch Padungwatanaroj, Nichakorn Kuprasertwong, Anjan K.Tula, A Perspective on Hazardous Chemical Substitution in Consumer Products, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 30:100748, 2022
  5. Fahim Shahriar Sakib, Riazuddin Ahmed and Easir A Khan, Study of Fire Growth Behavior in a Residential Apartment Using Fire Dynamic Simulator, Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin 22: 99-105, 2021
  6. Uddipta Mondal, Nishat Salsabil and Easir A Khan, Assessment of Safety Performance for Hazardous Facilities in Bangladesh using Indexing Approach, Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin 22: 60-66, 2021
  7. Easir A. Khan, Mohammad Abir Ahmed, Emamul Haque Khan and Suvash C. Majumder “Evaluation of Fire Emergency Evacuation Simulation of a Shopping Mall using Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS)” J. Chem Eng, IEB 29 (2), 32-36, 2017
  8. Ahaduzzaman, Prottasha Sarkar, Aniqa Anjum and Easir A. Khan “Overview of Major Industries in Bangladesh” J. Chem Eng, IEB 30 (1), 51-58, 2017
  9. Masuma Sultana Ripa, Rafat Mahmood, Sabrina Khan and Easir A Khan “Adsorption of Phenol from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon prepared from Coconut Shell”,J. Chem Eng, IEB 29 (1), 9-13, 2017
  10. Easir A Khan, “What can be done to Prevent Accidental Toxic Release, Fire & Explosion in Chemical Process Industry.” Recent Adv Petrochem Sci. 1(1); 2017
  11. Sabrina Khan, Zannatul Ferdous Raha, MaheJabeen, Mahe Rukh, SyedaTanzila Reza, Easir A Khan” Removal of Organic Pollutant from Aqueous Solution Using Rice Husk Activated Carbon (RHAC)” J. Chem Eng, IEB 29 (1), 29-33, 2017
  12. Easir A Khan, “Dap-1 Ammonia Tank Explosion: Safety and Security Concern in Chemical Plant in Bangladesh” Int J Petrochem Sci Eng 1(1): 03, 2016
  13. Easir A. Khan, Arvind Rajendran and Zhiping Lai, “Fixed-Bed Adsorption Separation of Xylene Isomers Over SiO2/Silicallite-1 Core-Shell Adsorbents”, Chemical Engineering Research Buletin,16: 1-15, 2013
  14. Easir A. Khan, Arvind Rajendran and Zhiping Lai “Synthesis of Ni-SiO2/Silicallite-1 Core-Shell Micro-membrane Reactors and their Reaction/Diffusion Performance” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 49 (24): 12423–12428, 2010
  15. Yunyang Liu, Enping Hu, Easir A. Khan and Zhiping Lai “Synthesis and Characterization of ZIF-69 Membranes and Separation for CO2/CO mixtures” J. Membrane Sci., 353:36-40, 2010.
  16. Easir A. Khan, Enping Hu and Zhiping Lai “Preparation of Metal oxide/Zeolite core-shell nanostructures” Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 118: 210-217, 2009.
  17. Yunyang Liu, Zhenfu Ng, Easir A. Khan, Hae-Kwon Jeong, Chi-bun Ching and Zhiping Lai “Synthesis of continuous MOF-5 membranes on porous α-alumina substrates” Micropor. Mesopor. Mater.,118: 296-301, 2009
Book Chapter:
  1. R. Syeda, E. A. Khan, N. Kuprasertwong, O. Padungwatanaroj, R. Gani, A Model-Data Driven Chemical Analysis System for Products and Associated Processes, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 2022, 49 pp.181-186
  1. Ifat Sharmin and Easir A Khan, Quantitative Risk Assessment of LPG Storage Tank Using Bayesian Approach, 1st International conference Nano-bio and Advanced Material Engineering (NAME), January 7-8, 2023, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
  2. Easir A. Khan, Fahim Shahriar Sakib and Enamul Haque, Chemical Management and Safety Measures for Sustainable Industrial Development in Bangladesh, International Conference on 4IR for Emerging Future, November 04-05, 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  3. Jakir Hossen, Abu Hasnat Sajib and Easir A Khan, Adsorption, Kinetics and Thermodymics of Phenol Removal Using Activated Carbon From Saw DustInternational Conference on Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development (ICEPSD)-2022, September 2-4, 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  4. Abdur Rakib, Marzan Habib Fahim and Easir A Khan, Potential Danger Of Natural Gas Pipeline Leakage In The Context Of Bangladesh, International Conference on Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development (ICEPSD)-2022, September 2-4, 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  5. Nichakorn Kuprasertwong, Orakotch Padungwatanaroj, Sultana R. Syeda, Easir A. Khan, Mario R. Eden and Rafiqul Gani, Systematic Chemicals-Based Product Development, Analysis and Chemical Substitution, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, 2022, Phoenix, AZ, USA
  6. Syeda Sultana Razia, Easir A Khan, Anjan K Tula, Lei Zhang, and Rafiqul Gani, A Model-Data Driven Chemical Analysis System for Products and Associated Process, International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2021), Kyoto, Japan
  7. Easir A Khan., Sarkar, S., Hasan, R., Afridi, A., Hossain, S., Measuring Circularity Index of Single Use Plastic Products, 10th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production (IWACP), September, 2021, Florence, Italy
  8. Sarkar, S., Mondal, U., Easir A Khan., Hossain, S., Mubashshirat, T, Guidelines for cleaner production: A case study of Plastic Recycling Industries in Bangladesh, 10th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production (IWACP), September 2021, Florence, Italy
  9. Easir A Khan, Plastic hazards and its potential impacts on environment and human health, International Conference on Science and Technology for Celebrating the Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu (ICSTB-2021), BCSIR, Dhaka, 11-13 March 2021
  10. Fahim Shahriar Sakib, Riazuddin Ahmed and Easir A Khan, Numerical Study of High-Pressure Water Mist Fire Suppression Sprinkler System Using Fire Dynamic Simulator, International Conference on Science and Technology for Celebrating the Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu (ICSTB-2021), 11-13 March 2021, BCSIR, Dhaka
  11. Moontaha Farin, Sumaiya Jasmine and Easir A. Khan, Preparation of activated carbon fiber from cotton waste: Evaluation of performance for basic textile dye methylene blue adsorption, International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2020), December 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  12. Syeda Sultana Razia, Easir A Khan, Anjan K Tula,Lei Zhang, and Rafiqul Gani“ A Model-Data Driven Chemical Analysis System for Products and Associated Process” American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, 2020, San Francisco, USA
  13. Syeda Sultana Razia, Easir A Khan, Anjan K Tula,Lei Zhang, and Rafiqul Gani“ A model-data based chemical analysis system” International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2020), December 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  14. Uddipta Mondal, Nishat SalsabilandEasir A Khan, Assessment of Safety Performance for Hazardous Facilities in Bangladesh using Indexing Approach, International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2020), December 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  15. Fahim Shahriar Sakib, Riazuddin Ahmed and Easir A Khan, Numerical Simulation of Fire Growth Behavior of an Apartment Building using FDS, International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2020), December 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  16. Easir A Khan, Occupational Exposure and Health Effect of Hazardous Chemicals, International symposium on Chemical Safety and Security Management, ISCSSM-2020, ShenaMalancha, Dhaka Cantonment, February 2020, Bangladesh,
  17. Easir A Khan, Understanding Chemical Transportation Hazard and Risk Management, International symposium on Chemical Safety and Security Management, ISCSSM-2020, ShenaMalancha, Dhaka Cantonment, February 2020, Bangladesh
  18. Ifat Sharmin and Easir A Khan, Quantitative Risk Analysis and Safety in LPG Storage Facility, International Symposium on Chemical Safety and Security Management (ISCSSM 2020), February 12-13, 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  19. Sk. Yasir Arafat SiddikiandEasirA Khan, Risk Management of Road Transport of Hazardous Materials in the context of Bangladesh, International Symposium on Chemical Safety and Security Management ICSSM2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  20. Fahim Shahriar Sakib, Humayra Amin and Easir A Khan, Numerical Simulation for Prediction of Forest Fire Growth Behavior using Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS), International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICEEST), Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 25-30, 2020
  21. Ifat Sharmin and Easir A Khan, Analysis of LNG Storage Tank Hazards and Corrective Measures using HAZOP and Bow-Tie Diagram, International Conference on Disaster Risk Management (ICDRM), p 657-664, Dhaka, Bangladesh,January 12-14,2019]
  22. Fatima Mahnaz, Majed AlamAbir and Easir A Khan, Waste Minimization and Energy Saving Potential of Tannery Industries in Bangladesh, 14th Global Engineering and Technology Conference, Dhaka, 29-30 December2017, Dhaka
  23. SowravBarua, Monowara Sultana Moni and Easir A Khan, “Quantitative Risk Assessment of an Ammonia storage unit using Bayesian Networks, Annual Paper Meeton Chemical Engineering, IEB, October 2017, Dhaka
  24. Ahaduzzaman, Easir A Khan, Prottasha Sarkar, Aniqa Anjum and Syeda Sultana Razia, Growth and Prospects of Industrial Chemicals Market in Bangladesh, Annual Paper Meet on Chemical Engineering, IEB, October 2017, Dhaka
  25. Mohammad Abir Ahmed, Emamul Haque Khan and Easir A Khan, “Assessment of Evacuation Safety in a Room Fire Using Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS), National Symposium on Chemical Weapons Convention for Peaceful Use of Chemistry, October 2017, Dhaka
  26. SowravBarua, Monowara Sultana Moni and Easir A Khan, “Risk Assessment of Storage Tank Containing Hazardous Chemicals, National Symposium on Chemical Weapons Convention for Peaceful Use of Chemistry, October 2017, Dhaka
  27. Mohammad Abir Ahmed, Emamul Haque Khan andEasir A Khan, “Fire Safety and evacuation modeling in compartment fire using Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS), Annual Paper Meet on Chemical Engineering, IEB, October 2017, Dhaka
  28. Majed AlamAbir, Mohammad Nazmul Hossain, Ashiqur Rahman andEasir A Khan, “Potential Environmental Threat of Tannery Industries in Bangladesh, Annual Paper Meet on Chemical Engineering, IEB, October 2017, Dhaka
  29. Suvash Chandra Majumder and Easir A Khan, “Fire growth and Smoke Hazard Assessment in a Compartment Fire Using Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS), National Symposium on Chemical Weapons Convention for Peaceful Use of Chemistry, October 2017, Dhaka
  30. Easir A Khan, Syeda Sultana Raziaand M S Mannan,Integrating Health and Safety into Engineering Curriculum, Young Scientist Congress, October 27-29, 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  31. Easir A Khan, Syeda Sultana Raziaand M S Mannan,Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)¬¬ as Code of Practice for Process Industries, Young Scientist Congress, October 27-29, 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  32. Shimul Mondal, Sameer Paul and Easir A Khan , Study of effectiveness and performance of bio-sand filter for household treatment of drinking water, 16th asian chemical congres, November 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  33. Masuma Sultana Ripa, Rafat Mahmood, Md. Shadman Akif, Nowrin Shahriar, and Easir A Khan , Removal of phenol from aqueous solution using activated carbon produced from coconut shell, 16th Asian Chemical Congress, November, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  34. Easir. A. Khan, Arvind Rajendran and Zhiping Lai, “Development of Novel SiO2/Silicalite-1 Core-Shell Adsorbents and their separation performance” 3rd Annual Paper Meet on Chemical Engineering, IEB, Bangladesh, 2012, p18
  35. Easir A. Khan, Yunyang Liu, Zhiping Lai and Arvind Rajendran “Synthesis of H-ZSM-5/Silicallite-1 core-shell composite via Epitaxial Growth” 16th International Zeolite Conference (IZC 16), July, 2010, Sorrento, Italy.
  36. Cho Lai Ping, Koh Jing Ting, Arvind Rajendran, Zhiping Lai, Easir. A. Khan, Ms. Ong Shi Shi, “Effect of varing pH and synthesis duration on mesoporous membrane” NRP symposium-2010, Singapore (Winner of “Gold” Award).
  37. Easir A. Khan, Yunyang Liu, Arvind Rajendran and Zhiping Lai “Synthesis of single crystalline H-ZSM-5/Silicallite-1 core-shell composites” 6th Singapore International Chemical Conference (SICC 6) December, 2009, Singapore.
  38. Yunyang Liu, Easir A. Khan and Zhiping Lai “Synthesis of MOF membranes” The Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology (PBAST5), 2009, NTU, Singapore.
  39. Easir A. Khan, Enping Hu and Zhiping Lai “Metal oxide/Zeolite core-shell nanostructures: Synthesis and Characterizations” American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, 2008, Pennsylvania, USA.
  40. Easir A. Khan, Enping Hu, Zhiping Lai “Preparation of b-oriented silicallite-1/zeolite A composite membrane by mixed seeded techniques” International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE), 2008, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  41. Easir A. Khan, Enping Hu and Zhiping Lai, “Development of nano/micro size reactors for heterogeneous catalysis”, Discover Engineering @NTU 2008, Singapore, (Awarded for Most Popular Graduate project).
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