Dr. Md. Easir Arafat Khan
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)
Hazard and risk analysis, Air pollution, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Chemical process safety with a special concentration on industrial and fire safety management
Journal Publications:
- Easir A. Khan, Enamul Haque, Fahim Shahriar Sakib and Muhit Kabir Sarneabat, Chemical Management and Safety: Growing Concerns of Chemical Accidents in Bangladesh, J. Chem Eng, IEB, 2023 (Accepted)
- Easir A. Khan and Sultana R. Syeda, Chemical Substitution in processes for Inherently Safer Design: Pros and Cons, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2021-1201
- Sultana R. Syeda, E. A. Khan, N. Kuprasertwong, O. Padungwatanaroj, R. Gani, A Model-Data Driven Chemical Analysis System for Products and Associated Processes, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 49, 181-186, 2022
- Sultana R. Syeda, Easir A. Khan, Orakotch Padungwatanaroj, Nichakorn Kuprasertwong, Anjan K.Tula, A Perspective on Hazardous Chemical Substitution in Consumer Products, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 30:100748, 2022
- Fahim Shahriar Sakib, Riazuddin Ahmed and Easir A Khan, Study of Fire Growth Behavior in a Residential Apartment Using Fire Dynamic Simulator, Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin 22: 99-105, 2021
- Uddipta Mondal, Nishat Salsabil and Easir A Khan, Assessment of Safety Performance for Hazardous Facilities in Bangladesh using Indexing Approach, Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin 22: 60-66, 2021
- Easir A. Khan, Mohammad Abir Ahmed, Emamul Haque Khan and Suvash C. Majumder “Evaluation of Fire Emergency Evacuation Simulation of a Shopping Mall using Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS)” J. Chem Eng, IEB 29 (2), 32-36, 2017
- Ahaduzzaman, Prottasha Sarkar, Aniqa Anjum and Easir A. Khan “Overview of Major Industries in Bangladesh” J. Chem Eng, IEB 30 (1), 51-58, 2017
- Masuma Sultana Ripa, Rafat Mahmood, Sabrina Khan and Easir A Khan “Adsorption of Phenol from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon prepared from Coconut Shell”,J. Chem Eng, IEB 29 (1), 9-13, 2017
- Easir A Khan, “What can be done to Prevent Accidental Toxic Release, Fire & Explosion in Chemical Process Industry.” Recent Adv Petrochem Sci. 1(1); 2017
- Sabrina Khan, Zannatul Ferdous Raha, MaheJabeen, Mahe Rukh, SyedaTanzila Reza, Easir A Khan” Removal of Organic Pollutant from Aqueous Solution Using Rice Husk Activated Carbon (RHAC)” J. Chem Eng, IEB 29 (1), 29-33, 2017
- Easir A Khan, “Dap-1 Ammonia Tank Explosion: Safety and Security Concern in Chemical Plant in Bangladesh” Int J Petrochem Sci Eng 1(1): 03, 2016
- Easir A. Khan, Arvind Rajendran and Zhiping Lai, “Fixed-Bed Adsorption Separation of Xylene Isomers Over SiO2/Silicallite-1 Core-Shell Adsorbents”, Chemical Engineering Research Buletin,16: 1-15, 2013
- Easir A. Khan, Arvind Rajendran and Zhiping Lai “Synthesis of Ni-SiO2/Silicallite-1 Core-Shell Micro-membrane Reactors and their Reaction/Diffusion Performance” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 49 (24): 12423–12428, 2010
- Yunyang Liu, Enping Hu, Easir A. Khan and Zhiping Lai “Synthesis and Characterization of ZIF-69 Membranes and Separation for CO2/CO mixtures” J. Membrane Sci., 353:36-40, 2010.
- Easir A. Khan, Enping Hu and Zhiping Lai “Preparation of Metal oxide/Zeolite core-shell nanostructures” Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 118: 210-217, 2009.
- Yunyang Liu, Zhenfu Ng, Easir A. Khan, Hae-Kwon Jeong, Chi-bun Ching and Zhiping Lai “Synthesis of continuous MOF-5 membranes on porous α-alumina substrates” Micropor. Mesopor. Mater.,118: 296-301, 2009
Book Chapter:
- R. Syeda, E. A. Khan, N. Kuprasertwong, O. Padungwatanaroj, R. Gani, A Model-Data Driven Chemical Analysis System for Products and Associated Processes, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 2022, 49 pp.181-186
- Ifat Sharmin and Easir A Khan, Quantitative Risk Assessment of LPG Storage Tank Using Bayesian Approach, 1st International conference Nano-bio and Advanced Material Engineering (NAME), January 7-8, 2023, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
- Easir A. Khan, Fahim Shahriar Sakib and Enamul Haque, Chemical Management and Safety Measures for Sustainable Industrial Development in Bangladesh, International Conference on 4IR for Emerging Future, November 04-05, 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Jakir Hossen, Abu Hasnat Sajib and Easir A Khan, Adsorption, Kinetics and Thermodymics of Phenol Removal Using Activated Carbon From Saw Dust, International Conference on Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development (ICEPSD)-2022, September 2-4, 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Abdur Rakib, Marzan Habib Fahim and Easir A Khan, Potential Danger Of Natural Gas Pipeline Leakage In The Context Of Bangladesh, International Conference on Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development (ICEPSD)-2022, September 2-4, 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Nichakorn Kuprasertwong, Orakotch Padungwatanaroj, Sultana R. Syeda, Easir A. Khan, Mario R. Eden and Rafiqul Gani, Systematic Chemicals-Based Product Development, Analysis and Chemical Substitution, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, 2022, Phoenix, AZ, USA
- Syeda Sultana Razia, Easir A Khan, Anjan K Tula, Lei Zhang, and Rafiqul Gani, A Model-Data Driven Chemical Analysis System for Products and Associated Process, International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2021), Kyoto, Japan
- Easir A Khan., Sarkar, S., Hasan, R., Afridi, A., Hossain, S., Measuring Circularity Index of Single Use Plastic Products, 10th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production (IWACP), September, 2021, Florence, Italy
- Sarkar, S., Mondal, U., Easir A Khan., Hossain, S., Mubashshirat, T, Guidelines for cleaner production: A case study of Plastic Recycling Industries in Bangladesh, 10th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production (IWACP), September 2021, Florence, Italy
- Easir A Khan, Plastic hazards and its potential impacts on environment and human health, International Conference on Science and Technology for Celebrating the Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu (ICSTB-2021), BCSIR, Dhaka, 11-13 March 2021
- Fahim Shahriar Sakib, Riazuddin Ahmed and Easir A Khan, Numerical Study of High-Pressure Water Mist Fire Suppression Sprinkler System Using Fire Dynamic Simulator, International Conference on Science and Technology for Celebrating the Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu (ICSTB-2021), 11-13 March 2021, BCSIR, Dhaka
- Moontaha Farin, Sumaiya Jasmine and Easir A. Khan, Preparation of activated carbon fiber from cotton waste: Evaluation of performance for basic textile dye methylene blue adsorption, International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2020), December 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Syeda Sultana Razia, Easir A Khan, Anjan K Tula,Lei Zhang, and Rafiqul Gani“ A Model-Data Driven Chemical Analysis System for Products and Associated Process” American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, 2020, San Francisco, USA
- Syeda Sultana Razia, Easir A Khan, Anjan K Tula,Lei Zhang, and Rafiqul Gani“ A model-data based chemical analysis system” International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2020), December 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Uddipta Mondal, Nishat SalsabilandEasir A Khan, Assessment of Safety Performance for Hazardous Facilities in Bangladesh using Indexing Approach, International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2020), December 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Fahim Shahriar Sakib, Riazuddin Ahmed and Easir A Khan, Numerical Simulation of Fire Growth Behavior of an Apartment Building using FDS, International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2020), December 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Easir A Khan, Occupational Exposure and Health Effect of Hazardous Chemicals, International symposium on Chemical Safety and Security Management, ISCSSM-2020, ShenaMalancha, Dhaka Cantonment, February 2020, Bangladesh,
- Easir A Khan, Understanding Chemical Transportation Hazard and Risk Management, International symposium on Chemical Safety and Security Management, ISCSSM-2020, ShenaMalancha, Dhaka Cantonment, February 2020, Bangladesh
- Ifat Sharmin and Easir A Khan, Quantitative Risk Analysis and Safety in LPG Storage Facility, International Symposium on Chemical Safety and Security Management (ISCSSM 2020), February 12-13, 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Sk. Yasir Arafat SiddikiandEasirA Khan, Risk Management of Road Transport of Hazardous Materials in the context of Bangladesh, International Symposium on Chemical Safety and Security Management ICSSM2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Fahim Shahriar Sakib, Humayra Amin and Easir A Khan, Numerical Simulation for Prediction of Forest Fire Growth Behavior using Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS), International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICEEST), Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 25-30, 2020
- Ifat Sharmin and Easir A Khan, Analysis of LNG Storage Tank Hazards and Corrective Measures using HAZOP and Bow-Tie Diagram, International Conference on Disaster Risk Management (ICDRM), p 657-664, Dhaka, Bangladesh,January 12-14,2019]
- Fatima Mahnaz, Majed AlamAbir and Easir A Khan, Waste Minimization and Energy Saving Potential of Tannery Industries in Bangladesh, 14th Global Engineering and Technology Conference, Dhaka, 29-30 December2017, Dhaka
- SowravBarua, Monowara Sultana Moni and Easir A Khan, “Quantitative Risk Assessment of an Ammonia storage unit using Bayesian Networks, Annual Paper Meeton Chemical Engineering, IEB, October 2017, Dhaka
- Ahaduzzaman, Easir A Khan, Prottasha Sarkar, Aniqa Anjum and Syeda Sultana Razia, Growth and Prospects of Industrial Chemicals Market in Bangladesh, Annual Paper Meet on Chemical Engineering, IEB, October 2017, Dhaka
- Mohammad Abir Ahmed, Emamul Haque Khan and Easir A Khan, “Assessment of Evacuation Safety in a Room Fire Using Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS), National Symposium on Chemical Weapons Convention for Peaceful Use of Chemistry, October 2017, Dhaka
- SowravBarua, Monowara Sultana Moni and Easir A Khan, “Risk Assessment of Storage Tank Containing Hazardous Chemicals, National Symposium on Chemical Weapons Convention for Peaceful Use of Chemistry, October 2017, Dhaka
- Mohammad Abir Ahmed, Emamul Haque Khan andEasir A Khan, “Fire Safety and evacuation modeling in compartment fire using Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS), Annual Paper Meet on Chemical Engineering, IEB, October 2017, Dhaka
- Majed AlamAbir, Mohammad Nazmul Hossain, Ashiqur Rahman andEasir A Khan, “Potential Environmental Threat of Tannery Industries in Bangladesh, Annual Paper Meet on Chemical Engineering, IEB, October 2017, Dhaka
- Suvash Chandra Majumder and Easir A Khan, “Fire growth and Smoke Hazard Assessment in a Compartment Fire Using Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS), National Symposium on Chemical Weapons Convention for Peaceful Use of Chemistry, October 2017, Dhaka
- Easir A Khan, Syeda Sultana Raziaand M S Mannan,Integrating Health and Safety into Engineering Curriculum, Young Scientist Congress, October 27-29, 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Easir A Khan, Syeda Sultana Raziaand M S Mannan,Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)¬¬ as Code of Practice for Process Industries, Young Scientist Congress, October 27-29, 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Shimul Mondal, Sameer Paul and Easir A Khan , Study of effectiveness and performance of bio-sand filter for household treatment of drinking water, 16th asian chemical congres, November 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Masuma Sultana Ripa, Rafat Mahmood, Md. Shadman Akif, Nowrin Shahriar, and Easir A Khan , Removal of phenol from aqueous solution using activated carbon produced from coconut shell, 16th Asian Chemical Congress, November, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Easir. A. Khan, Arvind Rajendran and Zhiping Lai, “Development of Novel SiO2/Silicalite-1 Core-Shell Adsorbents and their separation performance” 3rd Annual Paper Meet on Chemical Engineering, IEB, Bangladesh, 2012, p18
- Easir A. Khan, Yunyang Liu, Zhiping Lai and Arvind Rajendran “Synthesis of H-ZSM-5/Silicallite-1 core-shell composite via Epitaxial Growth” 16th International Zeolite Conference (IZC 16), July, 2010, Sorrento, Italy.
- Cho Lai Ping, Koh Jing Ting, Arvind Rajendran, Zhiping Lai, Easir. A. Khan, Ms. Ong Shi Shi, “Effect of varing pH and synthesis duration on mesoporous membrane” NRP symposium-2010, Singapore (Winner of “Gold” Award).
- Easir A. Khan, Yunyang Liu, Arvind Rajendran and Zhiping Lai “Synthesis of single crystalline H-ZSM-5/Silicallite-1 core-shell composites” 6th Singapore International Chemical Conference (SICC 6) December, 2009, Singapore.
- Yunyang Liu, Easir A. Khan and Zhiping Lai “Synthesis of MOF membranes” The Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology (PBAST5), 2009, NTU, Singapore.
- Easir A. Khan, Enping Hu and Zhiping Lai “Metal oxide/Zeolite core-shell nanostructures: Synthesis and Characterizations” American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, 2008, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Easir A. Khan, Enping Hu, Zhiping Lai “Preparation of b-oriented silicallite-1/zeolite A composite membrane by mixed seeded techniques” International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE), 2008, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Easir A. Khan, Enping Hu and Zhiping Lai, “Development of nano/micro size reactors for heterogeneous catalysis”, Discover Engineering @NTU 2008, Singapore, (Awarded for Most Popular Graduate project).