Md. Burhan Kabir Suhan

Assistant Professor


PhD Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology

M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, BUET

B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, BUET



Wastewater Management, Nanomaterials, Renewable Energy.

Selected Publications

Journal Articles
1. Suhan, M.B.K., Shuchi, S.B., Anis, A., Haque, Z. and Islam, M.S., 2020. Comparative degradation study
of Remazol Black B dye using electro-coagulation and electro-Fenton process: Kinetics and cost analysis.
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management. p.100335. DOI: 10.1016/j.enmm.2020.100335
2. Akter, S., Suhan, M.B.K. and Islam, M.S., 2022. Recent advances and perspective of electrocoagulation
in the treatment of wastewater: A review. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring Management. DOI:
3. Shuchi, S.B., Suhan, M.B.K., Humayun, S.B., Haque, M.E. and Islam, M.S., 2020. Heat-activated
potassium persulfate treatment of Sudan Black B dye: Degradation kinetic and thermodynamic studies.
Journal of Water Process Engineering. p. 101690. DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101690
4. Suhan, M.B.K., Hemal, M.N.R., Choudhury, M.A.A, Mazumder, M. A. A., 2020. Optimal design of
ammonia synthesis reactor for a process industry. Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jksues.2020.08.004
5. Suhan, M.B.K., Mahtab, S. M. T., Aziz, W., Akter, S., Islam, M. S., 2021. Sudan black B dye degradation
in aqueous solution by Fenton oxidation process: Kinetics and cost analysis. Case Studies in Chemical and
Environmental Engineering. DOI: 10.1016/j.cscee.2021.100126
6. Suhan, M.B.K., Shuchi, S.B., Nahid, A., 2021. Present scenario, difficulties and qualitative development
policy analysis of urea fertilizer industrial sector in Bangladesh: A review. Agricultural Reviews. DOI:
7. Kader, S., Al-Mamun, M. R., Suhan, M.B.K., Shuchi, S.B., Islam, M. S., 2022. Enhanced
photodegradation of methyl orange dye under UV irradiation using MoO3 and Ag doped T iO2
photocatalyst. Environmental Technology Innovation. DOI: 10.1016/j.eti.2022.102476.
8. Roy, H., Rahman, T. U., Suhan, M.B.K., Al-Mamun, M. R., Haque, S., Islam, M. S., 2022. A
comprehensive review on hazardous aspects and management strategies of electronic waste: Bangladesh
perspectives. Heliyon. DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e09802.

Conference Proceedings
1. Suhan, M.B.K., Shuchi, S.B., Abir, M.R.A.R. and Hasan, R., 2019. Innovative multi-stage anaerobic
modelling of a 10 MW biogas plant using Aspen HYSYS. In International Conference on Petroleum
Engineering (ICPE-2019). Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka.
2. Shuchi, S.B. and Suhan, M.B.K., 2019. Conventional designing and tuning of proportional integral
derivative (PID) controllers for a real-time chemical process. In International Conference on Innovation in
Engineering and Technology (ICIET-2019). University of Dhaka, Dhaka.
Articles in Progress
1. Suhan M.B.K., Shuchi, S.B., Islam, M.S. Enhanced UV light-driven photocatalytic degradation of methyl
orange by MoO3/W O3−fluorinated T iO2 nanocomposites: A comparative study. (Under review)
2. Suhan, M.B.K., Mahmud, N., Shahria, M. H. A., Islam, M. S., 2021. An optimization study of
methylene blue dye treatment in synthetic textile wastewater by Fenton oxidation process. (Research
article, in preparation)

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